Book Reservation
{{ is_error_msg }}
Apprx: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_val }} {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_duration_label }}
Minimum: {{ service_details.bookingpress_service_price }}
{{ is_error_msg }}
{{ is_error_msg }}
{{ is_error_msg }}
Please make sure contact number is a CELL PHONE. $500.00 minimum for all parties. $50.00 Per adult $25.00 per kid 12 and under. All fees included except gratuity and travel fee. A suggested gratuity of 20% is appreciated. You will receive our phone number in your email confirmation.
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{{ coupon_code_msg }}
{{ coupon_code_msg }}
Pay Locally
{{ is_error_msg }}
{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_email }}
{{ staffmember_details.bookingpress_staffmember_phone }}